
All posts tagged inspiration

Remind me why….

Published 05/11/2012 by Lily Crussell

I thought NaNoWriMo was a good idea? Ok, so I’m up to 15,810 words, but they may very well be the worst 15,810 words I’ve ever written. I’m not kidding. I prepped for this like a demon, I read up, planned, sketched and outlined a book – and that’s probably why it all went to hell! Oh it was all so promising! I have more tha enough time to write, but am struggling to complete even a couple of paragraphs a day, and it’s all so disjointed it’s really starting to bug me. I know you’re not supposed to edit, and I haven’t, but I am tempted to scrap the whole thing. It sucks. It sucks big time.

If you’re insane enough to have signed up for it, add me;  and we can all have a mutual btching session about how mental we all are to have entered into this! On the plus side, I have forced (katana to the throat) two friends to do it, and they now hate me lol.

That is my NaNo wall, the most prep I’ve ever done, and it has ultimately lead to failure! I will stick with it because I want to say I did it, but I’m really not happy with what I’m producing and doubt it can be reworked into anything useful! Grrr!

Sidenote; Yes I was looking at on my lappy when I took the photo, and yes, there are photos of @wwwbigbaldhead ‘s tatoos up there. I have a problem, I’m waiting for therapy ;p

It’s weird what can inspire you though. I am a little (read hell of a lot) obsessed with tattoos. I have none (solely because I’m so indecisive) and pretty much spend hours looking through tattoo sites. Mr. Reedus’ particularly interest me, not just because it’s him,  but because they’re demons. As I’m sure you know I have a thing for angels and demons and was looking to incorporate something along this theme into NaNo. I was lookign up Angelic Script/Enochian and Alchemic symbols as I’ve seen some amazing tattoos on the subject and intended to work them into my NaNo novel. Planning is the death of creativity it seems. Admittedly my walls look awesome covered in pictures of tattoos and obscure random languages, but it didn;t help me write this damn thing.

I’ve just made a count of all the unfinished novels on my harddrive that I should be working on rather than doing NaNo, and we’re up to 25. 25 half finished books! Jeez, I didn’t think it would be that bad! And that’s only the obvious ones, there could be tonnes more under obscure titles that I’ve forgotten about! :O   I’m too easily distracted! Some authors complain they don’t have ideas….I have too many, then get excited about something new and start doing that, abandoning the other story, then do it again, and again, and again! Grrrr! The problem is, with forcing myself to write for NaNo, I’m not excited about it. It feels like a chore and I’m starting to hate the story (and it’s only been 5 days!)

Anyhoo, whining over.

Ok, I lied, one more whine. I hate living in the UK this time of year! Bleeping fireworks! Grrrrrrrr!

Love and Hugs.

Here’s some Flandus to cheer you (Me!) up!;

On the subject of Nahman’s tats, you can just about make out the red ‘Mingus’ one on his arm. x