Giveaway ideas

Published 29/03/2012 by Lily Crussell

I need your help, yes you, the one sat at their computer reading this. I need a fun, clever idea for a giveaway. The swag is taking over my room and I need a clear out. I have about 200 bookmarks, 200 postcards, pens, a mug, postit notes and stickers!

So come on peeps, I need some good ideas!

On a side note, The Hunger Games was a serious disappointment 😦

Love and Hugs x

One comment on “Giveaway ideas

  • I was thinking maybe – everyone has to write a short story, of no more than X amount of words. Everyone wins something, but the stories with the most likes gets x amount of swag. Maybe a banner design contest, or something like that?

  • Let me know what you think...